Darbar has been working at the cutting edge of Indian classical arts for over 16 years. All our work is reliant on donations from the Arts Council England, charitable trusts and foundations, corporations and individuals. You can be part of our story too.
Donations to Darbar ensure that Indian classical arts stir, thrill and inspire millions of people around the world every year. Your support makes a huge difference.
We seek to work with like-minded organisations who share our vision and values. If you are interested in corporate sponsorship, please email us on hello@darbar.org.
If you have great ideas to fundraise for us, then drop us an email and we would love to discuss your ideas further. The coronavirus pandemic has caused our income to drop sharply, which threatens our work. By fundraising for us, you can help us to produce content of wellbeing for everyone.
From putting on the finest Indian classical music outside of India, music education in schools and reaching out to audiences in over 160 countries with our fabulous videos your gifts in wills are used right at the heart of our work. Please consider leaving a legacy to help support Indian classical arts to thrive for future generations. Please email us on hello@darbar.org.
Without the help of philanthropic support, we wouldn't be able to curate our Festivals or make ambitious plans for the future. We are continually seeking funding to support our activities and work closely with charitable trusts and foundations that believe in the work that we do. In order to grow and to build on our success, we are seeking funding in a range of areas from live events in London’s iconic venues; further developing our digital assets; residential music retreats and; online music educational tools. For more information, please email us on hello@darbar.org.
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