Renowned as a virtuoso violinist and composer, Dr. Subramaniam's illustrious career spans decades and continents, marked by numerous accolades and achievements. From performing with the world's leading orchestras to collaborating with legendary musicians across genres, his pioneering spirit knows no bounds.
In this exclusive session, Dr. Subramaniam will delve into the essence of Indian classical music, offering profound insights into its rich heritage and intricate melodies. Discover how he seamlessly blends Eastern and Western musical traditions, as he shares his unique approach to composing and working with Western classical music orchestras. Gain first-hand knowledge of his creative process and musical philosophy, as he unveils the magic behind his mesmerizing compositions.
Don't miss this rare opportunity to witness a musical genius in action, as Dr. L. Subramaniam takes you on a journey through the harmonious music making of East and West, leaving you inspired and enlightened.
The hour talk follows a 30-minute Q&A with the audience.
Free for 3 days. Cancel anytime.
Pay £3.95/month
The beginner's guide to Indian classical music. Whether you’re completely new to raga music or just need a refresher, we’ve put together this brief overview of all things raga music to help you feel at ease when visiting one of our concerts or watch our videos on our YouTube or our Darbar Concert Hall.
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